This Quick Tip tutorial will guide you through the process of making a vector portrait rapidly. A picture will be used as a guide for black and gray paths. We’ll review some shortcuts that will allow you to achieve good quality results with few steps and minimum fuss
Step 1
Take a picture of yourself or of an other person.
Step 2
Open the photo in Photoshop, unlock the layer. Using the Pen Tool, create a path around yourself. After the path is completed, with the Pen Tool still active, right-click it within the image and select Make Selection. A new menu will pop up, set the Feather Radius to 0 px and press OK. Now you have the selection, and while it is still active, press the Add Layer Mask button, which is under the layers panel. Now the background of your photo should be white.
Step 3
Press the button Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer under the layers panel and then select Threshold. Now you will be creating the guides for black and gray paths in Illustrator. You will need one image with strong threshold settings and one with lower. Decrease the threshold lever until you have settings that you like. Then go to File > Save As and save the image in JPG format. Go back to Threshold and now increase the threshold settings so that you would get a much stronger effect and save out an image as well. And you are done with your work in Photoshop! Let’s jump back to Illustrator.
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